Sunday, March 4, 2012

The day I Died

The title of this post sounds very fictitious. Let me tell you guys, the following post is a true event that happened with me which changed my life forever. 

It was 30th May, 2009 and my hernia surgery was planned. It was a regular surgery.  As scheduled, I was taken to the Operation theatre. I was given anesthesia shot and soon I went into deep sleep unaware that this sleep was actually going to open my eyes forever. In my unconscious state, I felt something. I suddenly found myself elevating. I could see the surgeon and the nurse. My dad was also present in the OT. I could see him as well. Their faces were full of panic and anxiety. I was finding it weird as I was experiencing intense peace which I had never experienced before. I rose above the bed and I saw my own body lying on the table with eyes closed in a state of deep trance. The peace that I felt made me think that it was the end and I was flying. Suddenly, I could remember each and every detail of my childhood. I was confused as to what was happening with me. Was I drugged? Had I gone insane? Was I dead?

Amidst these thoughts, I started falling into a deep dark tunnel with no end. There was no end to my free fall. The only thought I had in mind was my reluctance to go back. And then a voice inside told me that it was just not my time. I fell and I fell. And then everything went blank. The next thing I remember was opening my eyes in the hospital room with mom and other relatives chit chatting on the adjacent bed.  I was relieved that I was in senses after a while and thought I had a bad dream. I came to know that my surgery took 2 hours longer than the usual surgeries.

2 years passed. I was reading a book titled “Many lives Many masters” by Dr. Brian Weiss. There was a mention of near death experience in the book. A Near death experience is something that a person experiences when he/she has died and then is revived back medically. I was shocked at the description of the experience as it was a true story. I immediately started surfing the net about the NDE. With each line that I read, my whole body shook. I was shocked to notice striking similarities between what was written and what I had experienced. Still I could not be convinced that I was dead as it was a minor surgery. But I was eager and thus I went to my Dad who is a Psychiatrist by profession since 25 years. He was shocked at what I described and told me to sit. He then told me that I had gone into a cardiac arrest during the surgery and was in a gasping condition wherein my heartbeats had stopped and pulse went dead as well. This incident was not told to anyone outside the OT and no one knew it. 

I had actually died for a while and came back.

I know, many of you would consider this event as a mumbo jumbo and call me insane. Let me tell you, I, myself never believed in the theories of soul and afterlife. I used to laugh at it. The experience changed me overnight and I started reading a lot of spiritual literature. My temper went down. I started respecting small joys of life and started forgiving people who hurt me.

To believe the above event or not is entirely an individual matter. I am not the only one who had this experience. There are numerous others.  You can read about Near Death experiences and experiences of many others on the official site of NDEs.( . You can read about my experience shared on the site Kirat A NDE 6139

All I would say is that, we humans think we have explored everything and we are superior but there are many such things which are way beyond our imagination. Life is all about exploring yourself and not about getting grades in a university and doing a 9 to 5 job and retiring at 60. Enjoy every moment and always improvise yourself. This is what I’ve learned after this incident. You are free to have your perceptions regarding this. May peace be upon everyone. Amen.