Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good-bye Seniors; We will miss you!

I’d often heard of tears of a different kind, but never experienced it. But here I was, unable to hold them back, unable to stop them. It had to be one of the most painful moments of my life. And then, my ipod played “Yaaron Dosti..”

Well, here it is, April 2011. For most of us, these past few weeks couldn’t go by fast enough, and the day-by-day countdown to the end of engineering has taken its place in the back of at least one notebook. The final semester has just ended, midterms are already a thing of the distant past, and celebration of the big “Twenty-Eleven” is only a mere memory. While a lot of us have already started to fantasize and plan our summers, this culminating college year has another somewhat more profound meaning: graduation.

Each year, the seniors graduate.But this time its not the seniors who are graduating and going. This time my amazing friends are leaving. I would love to tell u all something seniors..ooppss friends.
Four Years Ago…
You were all timid freshman. You wondered what was ahead of you. You lobbied to go to Great Adventure. Freshman year you looked to fit in. You looked to find a best friend. It was your first year in the college, thus it was hard to find your way. But most of all, you certainly couldn’t wait to be older!

Three Years Ago…
You were no longer the lowly freshman; you were now the Sophomore Class. You began to create an identity. You began to work hard at your studies, you found some friends, and began to find yourself. You stopped by to say hi, helped fundraise for the class and again returned at years end to Great Adventure. You had fun, but you still couldn’t wait to be older!

Two Years Ago…
You became Upper-classmen. You began to realize that you were growing up; you found where you fit in, and who your real friends were. You started talking about college and even had to get ready for the most crucial 2 years of your life.You succeeded, but you still wanted to be older!

One Year Ago…
You were a senior! You ruled the college. Your senioritis set in early, hopefully not too severe. You made your post- engineering plans and talked about fun events. Even with all of this, you still couldn’t wait to be older!

I have learned so much with you all, I have learned that everybody wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is obtained in the journey taken and the form used to reach the top of the hill. I have learned that when a newborn baby holds, with its little hand, his father's finger, it has trapped him for the rest of his life. I have learned that a man has the right and obligation to look down at another man, only when that man needs help to get up from the ground.

Thanks for making me a part of your seminary journey. I will cherish the memories we had together, your helping me with my work whenever yours is done; your effort to keep my spirit up when no one knew that I was filled with frustration ; your unassuming gesture that never failed to welcome me.

You all are beautiful people. Outside, you will encounter countless people who will dispute this. Don’t believe them. Believe in the positive feeling you have of yourself. Nothing, nobody should drag you down. Don’t allow them.

I think I was not able to thank you much, I hope that this blog can express what my heart was not able to tell you all how thankful I was.

Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone, young or old. Today could be the last time i'm seeing you all. That is why,not wasting the opportunity, i would like to say that you have been amazing seniors; The best anyone can get.

I might have shown how I care for you guys, but I will have to humbly admit that your love outweighs mine big time.

I will never fail to commend your intentions in my prayers.

Lots of love and best wishes,


  1. That is touching. :) Really! We'll miss you guys very very much. I really hope we could've spent more time with you guys. This semester was the best one I had, only because of my superawesome friends. :D

  2. KANDARP::i neva believd in seniority n juniority...i made frnzz from hearts.....i love ma oll friends...evy1....dis last 6-8 months wer undoubdetly best of oll tymzz...cuz i met many new guys who aa nw besto...n kirat; u aa 1 of dem...thnxa lot bro....dis is 1 of da ultimate thing tat i hv came across in ma engg lyff...vl neva foget da moments v lived 2gethr...smiles oll ya guys...:)
